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2024 Papua New Guinea Week - China

Trade Dynamics admin


From April 18 to April 27, 2024, a delegation from Papua New Guinea, including Hon. Francisca Semeso, a Member of Parliament for North Bougainville, and Mr. William Simibis, Deputy Governor of Amoro Province, along with officials from the Papua New Guinea Embassy in China, the Department of Foreign Affairs, provincial government, and state-owned enterprises, attended the "Papua New Guinea Week - China 2024". This event was organized by the Ausmate Group and held across three provinces in China, facilitating economic and trade cooperation meetings and strategic project inspections in Meizhou, Guiyang, Dalian Comprehensive Bonded Zone.


The event successfully established over twenty cooperative framework agreements across various sectors including trade, energy, finance, logistics, aviation, and agriculture. Signatories included leading domestic and international companies such as Sany Silicon Energy, JD Logistics, Guiyang Agricultural Development Group, Xi'an Longi Clean Energy Co., Ltd., Guizhou Jianyang Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., and Molinot (Dalian) Marine Supplies Co., Ltd.


Moving forward, the Ausmate Group will work in line with the China-Papua New Guinea Free Trade Agreement and national strategies to implement the signed agreements. It aims to support Papua New Guinea enterprises in launching projects in China and to organize Chinese business delegations for inspections and project establishments in Papua New Guinea. This initiative is expected to enhance the comprehensive economic and trade exchanges between China and Papua New Guinea, accelerating economic growth and achieving shared prosperity for both nations.

List of companies signing up for cooperation on "PNG Week - China 2024":


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